The following articles, chapters and / or presentations have been prepared in 2012 by current or past SAHA staff members, reflecting on SAHA research, programme activities and advocacy agendas.

Catherine Kennedy

Presentation on the role of independent archive in Africa at ‘New Spaces for Negotiating Art and History in African Cities, Bamako, Mali – 14 – 17 March 2012. Organised by Free University Berlin /University of Cologne 

Conversation facilitator: New Tactics Tactical Dialogue on Archiving Human Rights for Advocacy, Justice and Memory, Wednesday, May 16, 2012 to Tuesday, May 22, 2012. See

Panelist. Seminar on the preservation and promotion of audiovisual heritage. The France-South Africa Seasons 2012-2013, Ina / DOXA , Fugard Theatre in Cape Town, on 13 and 14 November 2012.

Panellist. Archival Platform panel: ‘Archives of the State’. National Heritage Council (NHC) International Conference on Liberation Archives, International Convention Centre in East London, 31 October to 2 November 2012 

Paper: “After the Truth Commission: Finding Voice in the Archive”, Presented at Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability Conference, ‘Memory, Global Ethics, Justice’, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, New York, December 11 – 14, 2012.


Tammy O'Connor

Workshop presentation: 'Access to Information: PAIA for paralegals', SAHA workshop, 27 September 2012

Workshop presentation: 'Access to Information: PAIA for lawyers', SAHA workshop, 25 September 2012

Workshop presentation: 'Access to Information: A regional and comparative perspective', Experiences with implementing and using PAIA: holding and accessing records on  enviroment, water and mining, Centre for Environmental Rights, 20 September 2012