SAHA Research and Advocacy - 2004

The following articles, chapters and / or presentations were written or presented in 2004 by current or past SAHA staff members, reflecting on SAHA research, programme activities and advocacy agendas.

Verne Harris and Sello Hatang:

News Article: 'Pinning Down Apartheid's Papers,' This Day, 19 January, 2004

Verne Harris:

Journal Article: (with Peter Liberman) 'Unveiling South Africa's Nuclear Past,' Journal of Southern African Studies, 30, 3, 2004, pp. 457-476

Chapter: 'Using the Promotion of Access to Information Act: The Case of the South African History Archive,' eds. Claudia Lange and Jakkie Wessels, The Right to Know: South Africa's Promotion of Administrative Justice and Access to Information Acts, Siber Ink, Cape Town, 2004

News Article: 'A Friendlier Big Brother?' Natal Witness, 30 March, 2004
Debate: 'South Africa Does Not Have Freedom of Information,' University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, March, 2004

Keynote Address: 'The Cultured Archive: An Interrogation of the Nexus Between Archive and Culture from a South African Perspective,' Archives in Multicultural Societies Conference, Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority, Oslo, April, 2004

Presentation: 'Safe, Sound and Accessible: Records Security and the Public Interest,' Information Management in a Democracy Conference, Kruger Park, South Africa, May, 2004

Presentation: 'Expectations and Realities in Managing Electronic Records,' Johannesburg, June, 2004

Presentation: 'A World Whose Horizon Can Only Be Justice: Towards A Politics of Recordmaking,' Accountability, Citizenship and Ethics Conference, Society of UK Archivists, Glasgow, September, 2004

Presentation: 'The Record, the Archive and Electronic Technologies in South Africa,' Society for the History of Technology Conference, Amsterdam, October, 2004

Presentation: 'South Africa's TRC and Models for Understanding Formal Processes of Dealing with Traumatic Pasts,' University of Amsterdam, October, 2004

Presentation: 'Public Institutions and Freedom of Information: Toward an Ethics of Hospitality,' Research Workshop on the Public Intellectual Life, University of the Witwatersrand, October, 2004


Sam Jacob:

Presentation: 'What is an Activist Archive?' "Conceptualising the AIDS Museum" Conference,  hosted jointly by the South African History Archive and the Perinatal HIV Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, 2 November 2004

Presentation: 'Towards a Post-custodial view for an archive dedicated towards HIV and AIDS in South Africa', Pre-conference seminar hosted jointly by the South African History Archive and the Perinatal HIV Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand, 29 October, 2004


Sello Hatang:

Presentation: 'How would you relate to a museum dedicated to HIV and AIDS in South Africa? Summary of findings of six focus groups,' Conference hosted jointly by the South African History Archive and the Perinatal HIV Research Unit,University of the Witwatersrand, 2 November, 2004

Presentation: 'Representations of History: A critique of the Apartheid Museum,' Apartheid Museum, Johannesburg, February, 2004

Presentation: 'The importance of PAIA for protection of labour/health rights'  COSATU / Earth-life workshop, Pretoria, May, 2004

Presentation: 'PAIA as a useful resource for communities and activists,' Atteridgeville/Earth-life/COSATU workshop, Atteridgeville, June, 2004

Presentation: 'PAIA as a useful resource for journalists,' Institute for the Advancement of Journalism Workshop, August, 2004

Presentation: 'Archives as an instrument of politics: case study: the TRC archive,' Monash University Workshop, Monash University, Johannesburg, October, 2004

Presentation: 'Three Years on: The State of Access to Information in South Africa: Case Study: 34 "sensitive" TRC records', SAHA/Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLF) Conference, Johannesburg, October, 2004

Presentation: 'Archives as a career option,' Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) Seminar, Alexandra, Johannesburg, October, 2004


Rolf Sorensen:

Workshop: 'The Promotion of Access to Information Act and the African Peer Review Mechanism,' SA Institute for International Affairs (SAIIA) Workshop, Johannesburg, December, 2004

Journal Article: 'Impact Of South Africa's Promotion Of Access To Information Act After Three And A Half Years: A Perspective,' East and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (ESARBICA) Journal, 22, 2003, pp. 50-63

Journal Article: 'Freedom of Information in South Africa: Struggling to Give Practical Effect to a Constitutionally-Entrenched Right,' ADILI, Transparency International, 60, Kenya, 27 September, 2004, pp.11-12

Presentation: 'The South African Promotion of Administrative Justice Act: Comparison to Australia's Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act and Application Under Circumstances Involving Privatisation or Contracting out of Public Services,' presented at Judicial Review of Administrative Action: the Impact of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000 (AJA), joint Conference of the Law Faculties of the Universities of the Western Cape, Cape Town and Stellenbosch and the Research Unit for Legal and Constitutional Interpretation in collaboration with the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Cape Town, 21 May, 2004

Presentation: 'Accessing Information on the Private Sector's Response to HIV/ AIDS,' HIV / AIDS in the Workplace Research Symposium, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 30th June, 2004

Presentation: 'Focus Groups Conducted for AIDS Museum and Multi-Media Archive Feasibility Study,' AIDS Museum Ethics and Law Workshop, Perinatal HIV Research Unit and the South African History Archive, Johannesburg, 18th October 2004

Presentation: 'Legal and Ethical Issues: AIDS Museum and Multi-Media Archive Feasibility Study,' Pre-conference workshop: Conceptualising the AIDS Museum and Archive, Johannesburg, 29 October, 2004

Workshop: 'Conceptualising the AIDS Museum Conference,' Perinatal HIV Research Unit and the South African History Archive, Johannesburg, 2 November 2004


Shadrack Katuu

Presentation: 'The Promotion of Access to Information Act and the African Peer Review Mechanism,' SA Institute for International Affairs (SAIIA) Workshop, Johannesburg, December, 2004

Op-ed: 'Whither archives and records management training?' ESARBICA Newsletter, Issue 6, pp. 11-14, 2004

Journal Article: "Open source electronic records and document management systems: a pipe dream?" InfoRMAA Quarterly, Records Management Association of Australasia (RMAA), 2004

Journal Article: 'Am finally learning Linux. What is your new years plan?' InfoRMAA Quarterly, 20, 1, February, 2004, p. 20

Workshop: Electronic Records Management Workshop, Metrofile, Randburg, Johannesburg, 25-26 November, 2004

Workshop: 'Managing Electronic Records,' Implementing Technology Projects Workshop, Knowledge Upgrade, 10-12 November, 2004

Presentation: 'Instituting records management systems in the quest for improved service delivery: standards and practice,' Health Informatics: Southern Africa, Kimberley, South Africa, 6-8 October, 2004

Read the paper.

Presentation: 'A generic methodology for implementing electronic records management projects,' Expectations and Realities Managing Electronic Records Conference, Longsight,  10th June, 2004

Read the paper. 

Presentation: 'Are We Information Providers or the Information Police? The Uneasy Marriage between Access and Security,' Information and Management in a Democracy: Supporting Access, Security and Accountability Conference, African Institute of Management Science (AIMS),  19 May, 2004


F. Makondo and Shadrack Katuu:

Journal Article: 'An Assessment of the Sustainability of Information Technology at the University of Zambia Library,' African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science, 14, No. 2, 2004


Ethel Kriger:

Presentation: 'Information and documentation,' Management of Human Rights Institution, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, 18 March, 2004

Read paper


See list of presentations and papers from other years:

2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000/1