SAHA Research and Advocacy - 2003
The following articles, chapters and / or presentations were written or presented in 2003 by current or past SAHA staff members, reflecting on SAHA research, programme activities and advocacy agendas.
Verne Harris and Sello Hatang:
Research: 'Unlocking South Africa's Nuclear Past,' SAHA, Johannesburg, 2003
News Feature: 'South Africa, nuclear weapons and secrecy: are we really such a shining example of nuclear disarmament?', Natal Witness, 19 February, 2003
Verne Harris and Rolf Sorenson:
Article: 'Tinker, Tailor, Informer, Spy: ‘Disloyalty' to the ANC Can result in Revelations of a Dubious Past,' Natal Witness, 22 September, 2003
Verne Harris and Wendy Duff:
Journal Article: 'Stories and Names: Archival Description as Narrating Records and Constructing Meanings,' Archival Science 2, 2002, pp. 3-4
Verne Harris and Adrian Cunningham:
Journal Article: 'Archives and Indigenous Peoples: Introduction,' Comma, 1, 2003
Verne Harris and Evelyn Groenink:
News Feature: "The Nuclear Grandads," Natal Witness, 24 July, 2003
Verne Harris:
News Feature: 'Smoke and Mirrors,' This Day, 24 November, 2003
News Feature: 'Freedom of Information in South Africa and Archives for Justice,' Transactions of Public Culture Workshop, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, January, 2003
Journal Article: 'The Archival Sliver: Power, Memory and Archives in South Africa,' Archival Science 2,2002, pp. 1-2
Feature: 'Telling Truths About the TRC Archive,' South African Sociological Association (SASA) Newsletter, pp. 2002-2003
Essay: 'How much truth can we handle? The case of South Africa,' Burgerkomitee Leipzig, 2003
News Feature: 'Access to Information,' Natal Witness, 9 January, 2003
News Feature: 'One Hell of a Place: Zimbabwe,' Natal Witness, 4 February, 2003
News Feature: 'The Cry of the Ashes: Why Would People Wish to Destroy the Archival Treasures of Iraq?' Natal Witness, 28 April, 2003
News Feature: 'Bridging Old Divides: Any Sustained Political Settlement in Ireland Must be Inclusive,' Natal Witness, 15 August, 2003
News Feature: 'Storytelling and Healing: Always Probe the Meaning of Stories,' Natal Witness, 6 October, 2003
News Feature: 'Utopia's Shadows,' Natal Witness, 29 October, 2003
News Feature: 'After the Hefer Circus,' Natal Witness, 29 December, 2003
Presentation: 'Does South Africa Have Freedom of Information?' University Lecture, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, March, 2003
Presentation: 'The Archive is Politics,' The Power and Passion of Archives Symposium,
University of Toronto, March, 2003
Seminar: 'Does South Africa Have Freedom of Information?' Faculty of Information
Studies, University of Toronto, March 2003
Seminar: 'Access to Information Laws and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission', Centre for Innovation Law and Policy, University of Toronto, March, 2003
Presentation: 'The Archive is Politics,' National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, April, 2003
Presentation: 'The Archive is Politics,' Special Libraries and Information Services Seminar, Johannesburg, May, 2003
Presentation: 'Improving South Africa's Freedom of Information Regime,' Indaba on the Promotion of Access to Information Act, Human Rights Commission, Johannesburg, May,
Workshop: 'Public Domain Sources,' Investigative Reporting Workshop, Institute for the Advancement of Journalism, Johannesburg, May, 2003
Presentation: 'The Challenges of Preserving Electronic Memory Over Time,' Challenges and
Best Practices in Electronic Records Management Conference, Long Sight, Sandton, July,
Keynote Address: 'The Archive is Politics: Truths, Powers, Records and Contestation in South Africa,' Political Pressure and the Archival Record Conference, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, July, 2003
Presentation: 'Freedom of Information and Socio-economic Rights,' Foundation for Human Rights Annual Strategic Planning Conference, Magaliesberg, August, 2003
Conference: 'The Challenges of Preserving Electronic Memory Over Time,' KwaZulu-Natal Archives Service Conference, Durban, August, 2003
Presentation: 'The Church and National Heritage Legislation in South Africa,' Church State Conference, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, September, 2003
Presentation: 'Whose Data is it Anyway? Public Resource or Commodity?' Wits Medical l School, September, 2003
Presentation: 'Archives, Fact and Fiction,' French Institute Literary Salon, Fort West, October, 2003
Presentation: 'Freedom of Information and Archives in South Africa,' Centre of the Swiss National Science Foundation, Berne, October, 2003
Presentation: 'Archival Appraisal, South Africa and Deconstruction,' University of Lausanne, Lausanne, October, 2003
Presentation: 'Electronic Memory: Less Talk and More Action,' Records Management for
Government Conference, Johannesburg, December, 2003
Presentation: 'Records, Archives and Access to Information,' North West Provincial Government Heritage Seminar, Mmabatho, September, 2003
Presentation: 'SAHA and Freedom of Information in South Africa,' Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLF) Workshop, Durban, November, 2003
Sello Hatang:
Presentation: 'Two Years On: The State of Access to Information in South Africa,' South African Human Rights Commission Indaba, Johannesburg, July, 2003
Shadrack Katuu:
Presentation: 'Managing Electronic Records: Thinking Globally and Acting Locally,' Records
Management for Government Conference, Johannesburg, December, 2003
Presentation: 'A Generic Methodology for Implementing Electronic Records Management Projects,' Records Management for Government Conference, Johannesburg, December, 2003
See list of presentations and papers from other years:
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000/1