SAHA Research and Advocacy - 2002

The following articles, chapters and / or presentations were prepared by current or past SAHA staff members, reflecting on SAHA research, programme activities and advocacy agendas.

Verne Harris and Sello Hatang:


News Feature: 'Examining Our Past: The Operation of the Access to Information Act has been Patchy,' Natal Witness, 13 May, 2002

News Feature: 'Challenging What is Indigenous: Pristine ‘Culture' and its Inviolability Need to be Demystified,' Natal Witness, 1 August, 2002


Verne Harris:

Chapter: Refiguring the Archive, David Philip and Kluwer Academic Publishers, Cape Town and Dordrecht, 2002

Journal Article: 'History Archive Unearths More Apartheid Secrets with South Africa's New FOIP Act,' infoRMAA, Quarterly, 18, 3, 2002

Journal Article: 'Contesting Remembering and Forgetting: The Archive of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission,' Innovation 24, 2002

See list of presentations and papers from other years:

2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000/1