SAHA Research and Advocacy - 2000 and 2001

The following articles, chapters and / or presentations were written or presented in 2001 and 2000 by current or past SAHA staff members, reflecting on SAHA research, programme activities and advocacy agendas.


Verne Harris, Helen Joannides and Olga Pickover, with Kerry Harris:

Compilers and Editors: Guide to the Resources of the South African History Archive, 2001

Verne Harris and Michele Pickover:

News Feature: 'Concerns Raised over Access to Information Act,' Mail and Guardian, 11-17 May, 2001

Verne Harris and Sello Hatang:

Journal Article: 'Archives, Identity and Place: A Dialogue on What it (Might) Mean(s) to be an African Archivist,' The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 25, 2/3, 2000

Verne Harris:

Journal Article: 'On (Archival) Odyssey(s), Archivaria, 51, 2001

Journal Article: 'Seeing (in) Blindness: South Africa, Archives and Passion for Justice,' Archifacts, October, 2001

Journal Article: 'On the Back of a Tiger: Deconstructive Possibilities in ‘Evidence of Me,' Archives and Manuscripts, 29, 1, 2001

News Feature: 'State Info not Easily Available,' Mail and Guardian, 12-18 October, 2001

Journal Article: 'Law, Evidence and Electronic Records: A Strategic Perspective from the Global Periphery,' South African Archives Journal, 41,1999-2000, Comma 1, 2001

Editor: ESARBICA Journal, 20, 2001

Editorial: South African Archives Journal, 41, 1999-2000


See list of presentations and papers from other years:

2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000/1