Audiovisual Audit Report: The South African Liberation Struggle
Originally conducted in early 2009, this audit of video and film material dealing with the South African Liberation Struggle was undertaken on behalf of SAHA, with funding from the Atlantic Philanthropies and professional support from the Visual History Archive at the University of Cape Town. In September 2010, a follow-up audit was conducted, and the report has been updated to mark the United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on 27 October 2010,
The aim of this audit was to increase awareness of, and access to, audiovisual material relating to the liberation struggle in South Africa through identifying and listing archives, stock footage libraries and other repositories, both nationally and internationally, which currently house such materials. A brief overview of the holdings of each repository is included, along with contact details and links to related finding aids, where available.
Because of time and other constraints in conducting this audit, the report details fairly sizeable collections only. There are many individuals and production companies that have made one or two films on subjects related to the anti-apartheid struggle, but may not been listed in this report as they do not necessarily own source material that can be made available to others.
This report should be seen as a work-in-progress, to which additional information can be added and for which the existing information can be refined. SAHA remains committed to obtaining an exhaustive audit of audiovisual heritage related to the South African liberation struggle. This will be released each year on World Day of Audiovisual Heritage.
If you would like more information about this audit process or would like to make suggestions for amendments or additions to the report, please contact SAHA |  | Download a copy An electronic version of this publication is available as a free download for registered users. |  |