28 November 2019

The Wits History Workshop, Historical Papers Research Archive, South African History Archive and the Public Affairs Research Institute are proud to announce the launch of 'A People's Guide to Archives in South Africa', with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.
This digital guide seeks to provide information and links to ways in which civil society, researchers and organisations can be empowered in order to gain access to government and other records for research purposes and as a matter of administrative justice, transparency and accountability. The guide is meant to be shared freely by archives, civil society organisations and individuals.
The designer is the artist and cultural worker Judy Ann Seidman.
The guide can be accessed online and downloaded freely from the History Workshop's website: https://www.wits.ac.za/history-workshop/archives-guide/
Or directly in full screen here: https://issuu.com/hworkshop49/docs/people_s_guide_to_archives_ok?fr=sZDYwMjQ4NTg5Mg