Black Sash, in conjunction with the South African History Archive (SAHA) and Constitution Hill, invites you to join us in Johannesburg to celebrate Black Sash's 60th anniversary, and the launch of the new biography Sheena Duncan by Annemarie Hendrikz.
The celebration will include a panel discussion between Black Sash leaders, activists and allies, both past and present, including Bongi Mkhabela, Thandiwe Zulu, Judith Hawarden, Ish Mkhabela, Adele Kirsten, Gille de Vlieg and Marj Brown.
This will be followed by a few selected readings from the new biography on Sheena Duncan by Annemarie, and personal reflections by Sheena's daughters, Lindsay McTeague and Carey Duncan.
‘This is a story that reaches across the period of some of the worst brutality, the most gracious transitions, the greatest achievements and the saddest failures that South Africa has ever known. I hope you find as much inspiration in reading Sheena’s story as I did in knowing her.’
- Desmond Tutu (from his introduction to Sheena Duncan by Annemarie Hendrikz)
Two films about the work of Black Sash will also be screened in the course of the morning, and a SAHA exhibition kit relating to the work of Black Sash's Transvaal Rural Action Committee (TRAC), featuring the photographs of Gille de Vlieg, will also be on display.
- Date: Saturday 23 May 2015
- Time: 09h00 for 09h30
- Venue: Women's Jail Atrium at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg
RSVP online, by email to info@saha.org.za, or by phone to 011 718 2560
Download invitation (PDF)

SHEENA DUNCAN by Annemarie Kendrikz
Special anniversary launch price
The biography, SHEENA DUNCAN, will be for sale at the 60th birthday celebration events of the Black Sash. However, because there are no credit card facilities available for this purpose and to avoid too much cash floating around at the events, if you would like to buy one or more book/s please pay the special anniversary launch price of R250.00 per copy into the bank account below.
Bank details for advance purchase:
Bank: ABSA
Cheque Account Number: 40 4282 1834
Branch Code: 506 009
As reference for your payment, please use your full name + JHB and please send proof of payment by email to Annemarie Hendrikz no later than 20 May 2015.
In Johannesburg, book/s will be ready for collection at the Women's Jail Atrium, Constitution Hill on 23 May 2015. Payment may also be made by cheque on the day or, if necessary, in cash.
If you are unable to attend but would still like to get a book at the anniversary price, please add R35 for postage and packaging and send a full postal address (with contact phone if possible) to Annemarie Hendrikz at the above address, with your proof of payment. (Only available for postage within South Africa). Annemarie can be contacted on 0766835795 if you have any queries in this regard.
Outside of this anniversary offer, books will be available at the retail price of R295 from most bookshops.