26 November 2012
R2K Invite: Right2Know GAUTENG Activist Workshop

The Right2Know Campaign Gauteng invites all its supporters to attend a two day activist training.
The workshop will cover the following matters;
- What is still wrong with the Secrecy Bill? An update on the Secrecy Bill,
- R2K principles and strategy: An overview of the Right2Know's principles and current strategy,
- The right to communicate: Understanding the power of the internet and cell-phones, campaigning for access to free and basic affordable airtime, sms, and internet,
- Media freedom and diversity in the province: An assessment of media freedom and diversity, and planning for a more people centered media, and
- CBO/NGO and community media partnerships: Exploring opportunities to engage and partner with community media in the province.
Date: 4th and 5th December 2012
Venue: CIVICUS House. 24 Gwigwi Mrwebi Street, Newtown, Johannesburg
Time: 09h00 to 16h00
To RSVP or for more information on the event contact Bongani Xezwi on 0710432221 or visit www.r2k.org.za