28 February 2011
PAIA DVD launched
As foreshadowed in our launch story of 31 January 2011, the Freedom of Information Programme launched the new PAIA DVD (accompanied by a user guide) and PAIA Workshop Guide in the month of February.
The launches
The launches were held on 11 February 2011 in Durban, 16 February 2011 in Johannesburg and 18 February 2011 in Cape Town and were well attended. In total, approximatley 60 participants attended the launches which served as ‘train the trainer' sessions where participants were introduced to the new products and, through interactive engagement, were shown how the new materials could help organisations facilitate their own PAIA training.
Guest participation was energetic and evaluations positive, however our engagement again revealed (through participant comments) what we already know: most organisations are still battling to learn about PAIA and do not yet feel ready to facilitate training themselves. Indeed many participants expressed a desire for SAHA to undetake extensive PAIA training with their organisations. However, the products are designed not only to assist trainers in training but also to facilitate an individual's own learning about PAIA and the level of engagement at the launches demonstrated this utility well.

Durban launch

Durban launch

Cape Town launch