31 January 2011
SAHA education workshops on the TRC
Thanks to funding received from the Foundation for Human Rights, SAHA will be conducting workshops on the TRC at Constitution Hill for history educators and learnes in late February and March 2011.
These workshops will draw on the SAHA / SABC Truth Commission Special Report Multimedia Product, currently on display as part of the exhibition ‘The Struggle Against Forgetting: Human Rights and the Unfinished Business of the TRC' in the Ramparts at Constitution Hill.
The Truth Commission Special Report television series, which documented the testimonies being heard at TRC hearings across South Africa, provided context, perspective and analysis of what emerged during these proceedings and serve as a powerful window into the conflicts of the past and ongoing challenges for reconciliation in South Africa. The product is aimed at supporting history, heritage and reconciliation education, outreach initiatives, as well as the emerging field of transitional justice, in the wake of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).
If you are interested in you or your learners participating in this workshop series, please email michal@saha.org.za to book a place.
