01 December 2009
1 December 2009 is World AIDS Day
'I am responsible, we are responsible, South Africa is taking responsibility'

Celebrated since 1988, World AIDS Day is about increasing awareness of HIV and AIDS, education and fighting prejudice. The theme for 2009 World AIDS Day calls for a new era in South Africa's efforts in responding to HIV and AIDS. The theme encourages everyone in South Africa - from individuals, communities, businesses and government - to take personal and collective responsibility to stop new HIV infections, provide care and support to those living with HIV and to ensure access to treatment for all people in need.
The following SAHA archival collections contain materials relating to HIV / AIDS activism in South Africa:
AL2446 :: The SAHA Poster CollectionThis collection includes a range of posters from local and international organisations aimed at raising awareness around HIV / AIDS awareness and treatment.
AL2880: The AIDS in Context Conference CollectionThe Aids in Context Conference focused on the historical, social and cultural context of HIV/AIDS, and was held at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in Johannesburg from 4-8 April 2001. The conference arose as part of a process undertaken by the AIDS Consortium, Soul City and the Wits History Workshop to encourage further research, the wider dissemination of existing work and comparative study - especially in relation to the rest of Africa.
AL2878 :: The Freedom of Information Programme (FOIP) CollectionSection A4 of this collection relates to a special HIV / AIDS project conducted by SAHA to investigate the HIV / AIDS policies and implementations thereof of private bodies and parastatals in South Africa
AL3165 :: The Zackie Achmat, Jack Lewis and Treatment Action Campaign Political PapersThis collection contains Zackie Achmat and Jack Lewis' documents relating to the establishment and activities of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), a social movement dedicated to campaigning for the rights of people with HIV / AIDS.
If any organisations working in the field of HIV / AIDS in South Africa would like to donate posters to be added to the SAHA Poster Collection (AL2446), please contact archives@saha .org.za