Justice and Accountability
Government Accountability
Foundation for Human Rights
The Foundation for Human Rights is an organisation which can offer additional support to civil society organisations and public institutions in relation to education and implementation of all constitutional rights.
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Institute for democracy in South Africa (IDASA)
IDASA is an independent public interest organisation which promotes democracy by offering public bodies a variety of democracy enhancing programmes, but also by providing the public access to a number of resources centred on democracy-enhancing practices.
Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC)
ODAC's mission is to promote open and transparent democracy - accordingly, it offers a variety of resources on its website and can assist the public further in relation to access to information, compliance and whistle-blowing.
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Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM)
PSAM aims to improve public service delivery and the progressive realisation of constitutional rights. It assists in promoting delivery and in demanding accountability for the public.
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Transitional Justice and Victim Empowerment
African Transitional Justice Research Network (TJRN)
The AJRN seeks to promote and encourage transitional justice research in Africa through the development of research capacity, the building of transitional justice content knowledge, and the creation of spaces for practitioners and researchers in Africa to share experience, expertise and lessons learned. The goal is to ensure that the transitional justice agenda in Africa is locally informed and owned. This is a recently launched website.
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Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconcilliation (CSVR)
The CSVR is a multi-disciplinary institute involved in policy formation, community interventions, service delivery, education and training, as well as providing consultancy services. The primary goal of the CSVR is to use its expertise in building reconciliation, democracy and a human rights culture and in preventing violence in South African and in other countries in Africa.
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Institute for Justice for Justice and Reconcilliation (IJR)
The IJR was established to promote reconciliation, transitional justice and democratic nation-building in Africa by means of research, analysis and selective intervention. It seeks to understand the causes of conflict and promote understanding in the resolution of conflict.
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International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
The ICTJ assists countries pursuing accountability for past mass atrocity or human rights abuse. The Center works in societies emerging from repressive rule or armed conflict, as well as in established democracies where historical injustices or systemic abuse remain unresolved.
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Khulumani Support Group
The Khulumani Support Group was formed in 1995 by survivors and families of victims of the political conflict of South Africa's apartheid past. It was set up in response to the pending Truth and Reconciliation Commission by victims who felt the Commission should be used to speak out about the past to ensure that such violations never occur again.
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South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
The official TRC website provides an overview of the legal issues, and includes transcripts of amnesty hearings and decisions, special hearings and human rights violations hearings and submissions, reparation and rehabilitation committee transcripts, policies and articles, as well as the fulltext of all 7 volumes of the TRC report.
Visit the TRC website
International Organisations
Amnesty International
With over 2 million members wordwide, Amnesty International is arguably the world leader in human rights advocacy.
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Human Rights Watch
Established in 1978, Human Rights Watch is known for its accurate fact-finding, impartial reporting and targeted advocacy, often in partnership with local human rights groups.
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The International Criminal Court (ICC)
The ICC is a treaty based international criminal court established to prosecute the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC is an independent international organisation, and is not part of the United Nations system. The court resides at The Hague in the Netherlands.
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The Centre for Justice and Accountability (CJA)
CJA is an international human rights organization dedicated to ending torture and other severe human rights abuses around the world and advancing the rights of survivors to seek truth, justice and redress.
Viist CJA