SAHA Exhibition Kits
In order to enable community-based and educational organizations to host low-cost exhibitions exploring issues specific to their communities or to commemorate key moments in South African history, SAHA develops thematic exhibition kits for loan.

in 2011 - 2012, SAHA developed three portable exhibition kits, funded by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund and the Atlantic Philanthropies, in the following thematics areas:
Each kits comprises 16 panels (1m wide x 2m high) which can be configured in various ways, and displayed indoors or in the open air, Because no irreplaceable items are used in these exhibition kit and historical narrative is provided in exhibition-ready form, expenses typically associated with organizing an exhibition, such as insurance and curatorial costs, are substantially reduced.
These exhibition kits are suitable for use at short-term events (for example, conferences and civil society workshops), or for longer exhibitions at community halls and memorials sites. Each kit can fit into a medium sized car so can be transported easily. Easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up and dismantle the exhibition panels are included with the kit, as are templates of posters / flyers to promote the exhibition.
Other SAHA exhibitions include an exhibition kit on the South African Bill of Rights, as well as a set of exhibition panels about John Vorster Square, based on the SAHA interactive DVD, Between Life and Death: Stories from John Vorster Square, are both available for loan by heritage and community organisations.

SAHA is also the custodian of a range of exhibition materials on the End Conscription Campaign (ECC), developed in 2009 for a range of events and exhibitions across South Africa marking the 25th anniversary of the launch of the ECC. These materials have been collated to form an exhibition kit suitable for exhibitions commemorating the ECC, or exploring issues relating to conscientious objection.
SAHA does not charge organisations for borrowing any of its kits for short-term events. The maximum loan period is 30 days, plus an additional 7 days before and after the load period for transportation (total of 44 days).
The borrower is, however, responsible for all costs associated with the transportation, installation and dismantling of the kit. The borrower will also be responsible for replacement and / or repair costs in the event of loss or damage. The borrower will be expected to pay a deposit of R4500 prior to collecting the kit, which only R3000 will be reimbursed when the kit is returned to SAHA in working order. (This requirement may be waived upon request).
If organisations would like to borrow any of the SAHA kits for more than a month, SAHA will charge a daily rate of R150.00 after one month has passed.
Any money raised through loans will be used to maintain existing exhibition kits and reproduce additional kits so that more organisations are able to borrow and use kits simulltaneously.
For more information about these exhibition kits and how to borrow them, please contact