
AL2554 :: The Christian Institute of SA Collection

Collection No: AL2554
Title: The Christian Institute of SA Collection
Creator: Unknown
Publisher: SAHA
Extent: 0.1 linear metre (1 archival box) containing 1 publication; 69 slides
Language: English and Dutch
Acquisition: Accession Number: none
Access Restrictions: This collection is open for research
Use Restrictions: Copyright restrictions may apply. See SAHA copyright statement for Use Restrictions.
Copyright: Finding Aid: © The South African History Archive (SAHA)
Created: 12 August 2009
Abstract: In the early 1960s certain Dutch Reformed Church ministers felt the need for closer contact with English-speakers as well as black Christians. This led to the establishment of the Christian Institute on 15 August 1963 in Johannesburg. Reverend C. F. Beyers Naude was instrumental in this process. The emphasis of this countrywide organisation was the establishment of ecumenical study and prayer groups. These would deal specifically with the country's problems in light of the Scripture. This collection includes "The eye of the needle - Christians opposing the government: the work of the Christian Institute of South Africa" (Dutch). Also included are 69 slides produced by the Association of Churches within the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin.
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In the early 1960s certain Dutch Reformed Church ministers felt the need for closer contact with English-speakers as well as black Christians. This led to the establishment of the Christian Institute on 15th of August 1963 in Johannesburg. Reverend C. F. Beyers Naude was instrumental in this process. The emphasis of this countrywide organisation was the establishment of ecumenical study and prayer groups. These would deal specifically with the country's problems in light of the Scripture.