
AL2933 :: The 1981 Detainees Oral History Project

Collection No: AL2933
Title: The 1981 Detainees Oral History Project
Creator: South African History Archive and Historical Papers
Inclusive Dates: 2002-2003
Extent: 23 audio interviews and 22 transcripts
Language: English
Acquisition: Accession number: none
Access Restrictions: The collection is open for Research
Use Restrictions: Copyright Restrictions may apply. See SAHA copyright statement for Use Restrictions
Created: 02 November 2011
Abstract: The South African History Archive (SAHA) and Historical Papers were approached by thirty seven people, who were imprisoned on 22 September 1981 and detained for anything from fourteen days to just under one year, to document and preserve their stories. The interviews were conducted by Michelle Friedman in 2002-2003 with the following interviewees: Cedric de Beer, Hannchen Koornhof, Maurice Smithers, Prema Naidoo, Norman Manoim, Caroline Cullinan, Emma Mashinini, Merle Favis, Pravin Gordhan, Audrey Coleman, Gavin Anderson, Barbara Klugman, Cedric Maysom, Kathy Satchwell, Alan Fine, Monty Narsoo and Joanne Yawitch. A number of the detainees (Rob Adam, Barbara Hogan, Alan Fine, Hannchen Koornhof, Prema Naidoo and Shireesh Nanabhai) went on trial and, in the case of Hogan and Adam, were jailed until the release of political prisoners in 1990. Neil Aggett died while in detention. Whilst other people were detained during this period, the detainees listed here were picked for their links to one another.
Introduction  |  Scope  |  Listing