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> AL3290 :: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) collection
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A1.9.3.2 :: APF/affiliates pamphlets
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AL3290 :: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) collection
► A :: APF paper-based collection
► A1 :: Organisational documents
► A1.9 :: APF/affiliates publications, newsletters and pamphlets
► A1.9.3 :: APF/affiliates booklets, pamphlets & leaflets
► A1.9.3.2 :: APF/affiliates pamphlets
► A1. :: APF pamphlet 'What is the Anti-Privatisation Forum?'
► A1. :: APF: 'Support COSATU's struggle against privatisation'
► A1. :: Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee (SECC): 'March against electricity cut-offs', June 2001
► A1. :: APF: 'Unions, community : one struggle to stop privatisation!'
► A1. :: APF: 'March & rally for our human and constitutional rights!' (2 copies)
► A1. :: APF: 'APF supports LPM : land, food and jobs' (2 copies)
► A1. :: APF: 'APF supports SATAWU workers'
► A1. :: Build a Strike Support Committee: 'Forward with united action against Metro bus. Build solidarity with the Johannesburg bus drivers strike'
► A1. :: Johannesburg APF: 'Eskom on the offensive, cutting off over a million'
► A1. :: APF: 'Platform on national elections', 2004 (3 copies)
► A1. :: APF Office Bearers: 'For free, quality & equitable public education'
► A1. :: Khulumani Support Group, SOPA and APF: 'Remember 16 June 1976'
► A1. :: APF: 'Free education now!', July 2003
► A1. :: APF: 'Know and demand your right to education!'
► A1. :: APF: 'Human rights cannot be privatised'
► A1. :: APF: 'Build support for the SAMWU wage strike
► A1. :: APF: 'Support our march against Xenophobia' (2 copies)
► A1. :: APF: 'APF supports GIWUSA workers at Empire Toys'
► A1. :: APF: 'Build solidarity with striking workers'
► A1. :: APF: 'Celebrate May Day', 01.05.2003
► A1. :: APF: 'Down with the Growth & Development Summit (GDS)' (2 copies)
► A1. :: APF Inner City Anti-Eviction Campaign: 'Unity is the power! March against evictions'
► A1. :: APF: 'Fight to win the SAMWU strike'
► A1. :: APF/SECC: 'Free basic services for all!'
► A1. :: APF: 'What is the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)?'
► A1. :: APF: Security workers, we at the APF support your fight for '
► A1. :: APF: 'Support the demonstrations against the impending war against Iraq'
► A1. :: APF: 'Vote for your community organiser'
► A1. :: APF: 'The World Summit on Sustainable Development: sustainable developing who? Hear what actions are planned against the World Summit by the Social Movement Indaba' (2 copies)
► A1. :: APF Socialist Group: 'WSSD was a failure'
► A1. :: APF: 'March against water and electricity cut-offs and evictions'
► A1. :: Bikisha Media Collective: 'Phansi i-privatisation phansi! No to evictions, retrenchments and cut-offs!'
► A1. :: APF: Unite against privatisation! Forward to socialism!'
► A1. :: APF: 'Water is a human right : electricity is a human right : housing is a human right : education is a human right : we demand them now!'
► A1. :: Anti-War Coalition (AWC): 'Anti-War festival : War against profits, not people : Demonstrate against war and repression in our world'
► A1. :: Anti-War Coalition (AWC): 'Stop the war in Iraq! Anti-war march'
► A1. :: Anti-War Coalition (AWC): ''What democracy in occupied Iraq?'
► A1. :: Anti-War Coalition (AWC): 'SA mercenaries in Iraq'
► A1. :: Anti-War Coalition (AWC): 'Global day of action - festival of life + justice against wars + occupations' (2 copies)
► A1. :: Anti-War Coalition (AWC): 'No blood for oil! No war against Iraq : Join the Anti-war march on US Consulate'
► A1. :: Anti-War Coalition (AWC): 'Anti-war march : No war against Iraq : End US terrorism : Freedom for Palestine', 15.02.2003
► A1. :: Anti-War Coalition (AWC): 'Axis of oil : Stop war : Bush administration ties to oil companies : No blood for oil'
► A1. :: FXI: 'Phantsi ngomthetho oyilwayo wokulwa nobunqolobi iAnti-Terrorism Bill'
► A1. :: FXI: 'Soon you may be terrorist : Say no! to South Africa's Anti-Terrorism Bill'
► A1. :: FXI: 'Resist repression! Demand human rights! March 2005 : national month of action'
► A1. :: Orange Farm Water Crisis Committee: Orange farm Umlaeza #1 'There will be no peace without development'
► A1. :: Kganya Women's Consortium & OWCC: 'Halala! Orange farm Women !'
► A1. :: SAMANCOR Retrenched Workers' Crisis Committee: 'What is the SRWCC?'
► A1. :: Inner City Forum: 'Calling all residents to a public meeting : Resident organise & unite to fight for justice', August 2003
► A1. :: SECC & the Municipal Service Project (Wits): 'Electricity report back meeting, May 2001
► A1. :: Evaton West Community Crisis Committee (EWCCC): 'Public meeting : Evaton West community united against unfair water billing system', March 2004
► A1. :: EWCCC: 'We demand free basic services now! Arm yourself with knowledge! Organise and fight!'
► A1. :: APF, AWC, Education Rights Project (ERP), Environmental Justice Networking Forum (EJNF), FXI, General Workers Union of South Africa (GIWUSA), Jubilee South Africa, and Landless People's Movement (LPM): 'The workers Library and Museum and Khanya College are now also targeted for forced removal from Newtown : Stop the evictions'
► A1. :: BOCOSFO: 'BOCOSFO's June 16 message : rebuild the Student Movement!'
► A1. :: Indymedia, Workers' Library and Museum, Khanya College: 'The Workers' Library is where we stay'
► A1. :: Tsakane Community Forum: 'Sekwanele!! March for service deliver', June 2008
► A1. :: CAWP: 'Join the struggle against water privatisation now!'
► A1. :: Socialism from Below: 'Boycott Shoprite! Support the strikers'
► A1. :: Coalition Against Xenophobia: 'Demands for the closure of the Lindela Repatriation Centre'
► A1. :: Social Movements Indaba (SMI): '21 march is human rights day get up, stand up! Stand up for your rights : Join the protest march '
► A1. :: Kathorus Concerned Residents Committee: 'Calling all Kathorus residents : March on the Council!'
► A1. :: North West APF Solidarity Committee: 'March against human rights violations!!!'
► A1. :: S26 Seattle, Prague, Johannesburg: 'Protest against IMF World Bank : Peoples rally for global social justice'
► A1. :: SECC: 'Invites all residents and youth : electricity rally to stop all electricity cutoffs, to solve the electricity problem once and for all', July 2001
► A1. :: SECC, SACP, Linda Jabani District (Greater Joburg): 'Public meeting : Is Jacob Zuma an answer to the workers' struggles?', February 2008
► A1. :: Concerned Learners Committee: 'Who we are?', 2004
► A1. :: A call to all residents and youth'
► A1. :: The Workers' Library and Museum: Workshop 'SAMWU strike : political and economic context and public and workers perceptions', August 2002 (2 copies)
► A1. :: SAMWU: 'Rebuild your strength : protect your rights and the union'
► A1. :: SAMWU: 'Join the SAMWU strike! SAMWU and the community unite against corruption, poor services, lack of jobs, poverty wages!', October 2002
► A1. :: APF: 'To all SAMWU members : join the strike against privatisation on 1st & 2nd October 2002'
► A1. :: SECC/APF: 'No to high food prices : Silambile re lapile Mbeki', November 2002
► A1. :: Inner City Anti-Eviction Campaign: 'Stop all evictions!', December 2002
► A1. :: 'Worldwide protest at South African embassies protest privatisation cutoffs!', August 2002
► A1. :: Pimville Klipspruit Resident's Committee: 'On 5 December 2000 - vote Trevor Ngwane : have your say'
► A1. :: [APF]: 'Mass meeting : Launching Motsoaledi Concerned Residents', January 2005
► A1. :: SECC: 'Reducing food for a few weeks is not a solution! Forward to food for all!!'
► A1. :: Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC): 'Join the Social Movements Indaba mass march from Alexandra : march against the Summit in Sandton', August 2002
► A1. :: A call to all workers and activists to march against the World Economic Forum (WEF)', source and date unknown
Call Number:
APF/affiliates pamphlets