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Results for nelson mandela

magnitudes to be afforded reparation, proceeding from the premise that freedom and dignity are the real prize that our sacrifices were meant to attain. Free at last, we are all masters of our destiny. A better future depends on all of us lending a hand - your hand, my hand." - Statement by Nelson Mandela on receiving Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report, 29 October 1998 As we commemorate the anniversary of the handing over of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report to Parliament on 29 October 1998, it is sobering to consider how very little has been ...
is a NGO offering legal advice and assistance to vulnerable and/or marginalised members of society. The LRC engages in public interest litigation, including PAIA, where its clients, most of whom are NGO's, encounter problems when using the Act to collect evidence for legal matters. Visit LRC  Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory The Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory is a NGO which contributes to the making of just society by keeping alive the legacy of Nelson Mandela, provding an integrated public information resource on his life and times and by ...
... of Defiance with a new chapter on post-1994 struggle posters, and an accompanying classroom guide. "It is very encouraging, especially to people of my generation, to know that the ideas for which many of us have sacrificed are very much alive and embodied in this collection of posters." Nelson Mandela, foreword to 2004 reprint of Images of Defiance REVIEWS: "These posters embody the 'perceptions, realities and demands of the people that produced them.' This is what makes this book an invaluable cultural document." Mayibuye, November 1991 "Images of Defiance is an
... of the Bill and have served to maintain pressure on the government to begin real engagement. On 24 June 2011 the Right2Know campaign held a picket outside the Ministry of State Security in Pretoria to highlight the potentially broad powers the Bill seeks to grant to that Ministry. Further, the Nelson Mandela Foundation recently hosted two dialogue forums between government and civil society, providing a platform for discussions on the Bill's inadequacies. The Right2Know campaign has also hosted numerous public meetings nationwide to try and broaden awareness of all the key ...
... particular relating to apartheid, SAHA would like to encourage South Africans to take part in the telling of our history by contributing stories of their experiences of events or issued represented in our virtual exhibitions. The first SAHA virtual exhibition, developed in conjunction with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, was launched in August 2008 to commemorate 25 years since the launch of the United Democratic Front (UDF), using archival materials to explore the vital role the UDF played in bringing democracy to South Africa. In October 2009, SAHA launched a new virtual ...
... initiated an armed struggle which would continue for over 3 decades. International condemnation of the Sharpeville Massacre was unanimous. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 21 as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 1966. Thirty years later, Nelson Mandela inaugurated South Africa's new democratic Constitution at the site of the massacre. In 2001, a plaque bearing the 69 names was unveiled. March 21 is also known as Heroes Day. SAHA salutes the memory of all South Africans who experienced violence, lost loved ones, or ...
... of all people through united action against the evils of apartheid ... We say that all forms of oppression and exploitation must end. In its call for "the creation of a true democracy", the UDF set the stage for a new era in the liberation struggle. UDF virtual exhibition In August 2008, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the South African History Archive (SAHA) developed a virtual exhibition to mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of the United Democratic Front (UDF). In March 2010, SAHA took over the hosting of this website so as to facilitate the ongoing expansion ...
... it was constructed under the instruction of Paul Kruger, president of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (South African Republic) in 1893, to its occupation by the British army during the South Africa War in 1900, to its use as a prison during Apartheid where political prisoners like Henry Nxumalo, Nelson Mandela, O.R Tambo, Barbara Hogan, Winnie Mandela, and Albertina Sisulu were held. Collection materials which relate to the construction of the Constitutional Court and the transformation of the site from the beginning of construction in 2002 to the completion in 2004, ...
... comprises of veterans in the fields of archiving, research and the arts. SAHA Director, Catherine Kennedy will discuss issues of accessing visual archives from a user's point of view. Other speakers include Craig Matthews, Director of DOXA Productions and Verne Harris, Head of Centre for Memory, Nelson Mandela Foundation. About the France-South Africa Seasons 2012-2013This is an initiative conceived and facilitated by the governments of the two countries to give the people of France and South Africa an opportunity to understand each other better through cultural, ...
... of the master and duplicate posters received from IISH. Museum Africa also received a number of posters from this shipment to expand their existing poster collection at the museum. SAHA arranged for the transfer of other archival materials reserved for the African National Congress (ANC), the Nelson Mandela Centre for Memory, and UCT. While a copy of each of the books received from the former Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NiZA) library collection has been retained for the development of SAHA's reference collection in the SAHA reading room at Constitution Hill, ...
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