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Results for nelson mandela

... as they have attempted to put South Africa's constitutional right of access to information into practice. There will be an informal panel discussion on access to information in South Africa at the launch - the editor, Kate Allen will be in conversation with Verne Harris, Project Manager for the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory at the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Piers Pigou, Senior Associate at the International Center for Transitional Justice. Date: Saturday, 18 July 2009 Time: 12:00 PM for 12:30 PM Venue: Boekehuis, cnr Lothbury & Fawley Sts, Auckland ...
... has only just started. Old social fissures remain resilient. New ones are appearing. Social cohesion is proving elusive. Could it be that our post-apartheid memory work has been too superficial? And that the really difficult memory work remains to be done? On the 2nd and 3rd April 2009, The Nelson Mandela Foundation and the South African History Archive, in partnership with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, are convening a dialogue forum at which prominent public intellectuals will be examining issues of justice, power, race and rights as it relates to memory work in South ...
... of the founding principle of non-racialism to the much lauded South African Constitution, the legacy of the apartheid policy of race classification and the concomitant economic, social and political stratification this system both entrenched and enforced remain all too evident today. A recent Nelson Mandela Foundation position paper argued that public discourses on race today "are dominated by expressions of denial, alienation, obfuscation and even self-hatred" and laments the apparent disappearance of those "robust narratives of non-racism and of Black Consciousness... ...
... role the UDF played in bringing democracy to South Africa. Contributors to the initial development and design of the virtual exhibition included Judy Seidman, Razia Saleh, Marion Isaacson, Catherine Kennedy and the team at Flow Communications and the virtual exhibition has been hosted on the Nelson Mandela Site at since the launch. SAHA has now taken over the hosting of the virtual exhibition so as to facilitate the ongoing expansion of this virtual exhibition, identifying and incorporating more archival artefacts from ...
... army (an Islamic state that fought against French rule) and achieved complete control Guinea. 3 October 1935: Italians invaded Ethiopia, and subsequently the League of Nations subjected sanctions to Italy's economy. 4 October 1994: US President Bill Clinton welcomes South African President Nelson Mandela to the White House. The Mandela's had previously at the White House earlier that day for a state arrival ceremony. 5 October 1975: Winnie Madikizela Mandela decided to end a thirteen year- enforced silence with a strong attack on the country's Terrorism ...
... in consolidating South Africa's non-racial democracy. The online edition of the book was launched on 22 September 2015 at an event in the Women’s Goal Atrium at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg. To celebrate Heritage Day 2015, the South African History Archive, in partnership with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, hosted a panel discussion to consider the legacy of non-racialism in South Africa today. with panellists Ms Obenewa Amponsah (CEO, Steve Biko Foundation), Mr Neeshan Balton (CEO, Ahmed Kathrada Foundation), and Mr Sello Hatang (CEO, Nelson ...
SAHA and the Nelson Mandela Foundation have prepared a joint submission to be tabled before Parliament on the new Protection of Information Bill. In spite of previously having submitted an opinion on this Bill jointly, both organisations still have broad general concerns about the Bill and its practical implementation and relationship to access to information laws. The Bill is largely tasked to deal with the protection of ‘certain' information from destruction, loss or unlawful disclosure and to repeal the previous Protection of Information Act, 1982. It does this by ...
14 August 1989: South African President Willem Botha resigned as president after a minor stroke.15 August 1960: Congo gained its independence from France.16 August 1990: South African President FW de Klerk and Nelson Mandela held emergency talks in Pretoria about increasing violence in Soweto.17 August 1996: Ruth Perry was elected to lead Liberia, therefore she became the first female head of state in Africa.18 August 1964: South Africa was banned from the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan over its refusal to condemn apartheid.19 August 2013: South African Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka is ...
as popularly known was a military wing of the African National Congress during the struggle against apartheid. It was formed after the ANC's non-violence and passive resistance policy was seen to be no longer working. The comrades thought it was time to fight fire with fire. The year was 1961 when Nelson Mandela and his peers in the freedom struggle founded the MK after a heated debate within the ANC and other allied liberation movement organisations. Chief Albert Luthuli was the president at the time and, as can be expected from a Nobel Prize laureate for Peace, he was highly ...
On Wednesday 30 September, SAHA attended a workshop at the Nelson Mandela Foundation (NMF) to discuss the Protection of Personal Information Bill of 2009. Attended by a number of community stakeholders, including archivists, lawyers and representatives of the media, the workshop primarily focussed on the implications of the proposed private information law will have on the archival sector in South Africa. Drawing from the discussions at this workshop, the NMF and SAHA have prepared a joint submission to Parliament. Having monitored the development of this legislation over a ...
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