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Jeremy Cronin interview transcript - part 4

Theme: Then Who Is Our Enemy?

Call Number: A03.10.1d
Identifier: AL2460_A03.10.1d
Title: Jeremy Cronin interview transcript - part 4
Date: 30 May 1985
Subject: Non-racialism;
Julie Frederikse;
Jeremy Cronin;
The Unbreakable Thread
Description: This is part four of the transcript of an interview with Jeremy Cronin, conducted by Julie Frederikse for her book 'The Unbreakable Thread: non-racialism in South Africa', published by Ravan Press, 1990. Jeremy Cronin published a volume of prison poetry ('Inside', Ravan Press) upon his release in 1983, and was elected to the UDF Western Cape executive. With fellow former political prisoner Raymond Suttner he co-authored 'Thirty Years of the Freedom Charter' (Ravan Press, first banned and then unbanned in 1986), which played an important role in popularising the document for younger activists. In 1987, after spending more than a year in hiding during the State of Emergency, he fled South Africa and worked for the ANC in both political and cultural structures in Lusaka. In 1990 he returned to South Africa and began working in the Johannesburg office of the SACP. Born: 1949 in Durban. Interviewed: 1985 in Cape Town. Included in the SAHA online repository 'Tracing the unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa today'
Creator: Interviewer: Julie Frederikse; Interviewee: Jeremy Cronin
Type: Transcript
Format: Access copy - PDF
Preservation copy - Tiff
Source: SAHA Collection AL2460
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Julie Frederikse
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