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Paddy Kearney interview transcript - part 2

Theme: Straddling Both Camps, The People's and The Enemy's

Call Number: A11.02.1b
Identifier: AL2460_A11.02.1b
Title: Paddy Kearney interview transcript - part 2
Date: 17 August 1985
Subject: Non-racialism;
Julie Frederikse;
Paddy Kearney;
The Unbreakable Thread;
Diakonia Ecumenical Church Agency (DECA)
Description: This is part 2 of a transcript of an interview with Paddy Kearney conducted by Julie Frederikse for her book 'The Unbreakable Thread: non-racialism in South Africa', published by Ravan Press, 1990. Paddy Kearny, director of the Diakonia Ecumenical Church Agency, was detained in 1985 and released in response to an application filed by Archbishop Denis Hurley arguing that the detention violated the provision of the Internal Security Act requiring that there be 'reason to believe' that he was guilty of a security offence. Kearney later successfully sued for wrongful arrest and detention. Born: 1942 in Pietermaritzburg. Interviewed: 1985 in Durban. Included in the SAHA online repository 'Tracing the unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa today'
Creator: Interviewer: Julie Frederikse; Interviewee: Paddy Kearney
Type: Transcript
Format: Access copy: pdf
Preservation copy: tiff
Source: SAHA Collection AL2460
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Julie Frederikse
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