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Molly Blackburn interview transcript

Theme: Straddling Both Camps, The People's and The Enemy's

Call Number: A02.12.1
Identifier: AL2460_A02.12.1
Title: Molly Blackburn interview transcript
Date: 26 August 1985
Subject: Julie Frederikse;
Molly Blackburn;
The Unbreakable Thread;
Black Sash
Description: This is a transcript of an interview with Molly Blackburn, conducted by Julie Frederikse for her book 'The Unbreakable Thread: non-racialism in South Africa', published by Ravan Press, 1990. Molly Blackburn was the Port Elizabeth Black Sash leader and Progressive Federal Party member of the Provincial Council from early to mid 1980s. She was killed in a car accident in 1985, along with Civil Rights League leader Brian Bishop. They had been travelling from Oudtshoorn's Bongolethu township after collecting affidavits from residents regarding army and police raids on their community. Her funeral drew an unprecedented 20,000 people of all colours, and ANC President Oliver Tambo said that 'the name of Molly Blackburn will also be inscribed on our roll of honour'. Born: 1930 in Port Elizabeth. Died: 1985. Interviewed: 1985 in Port Elizabeth. Included in the SAHA online repository 'Tracing the unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa today'
Creator: Interviewer: Julie Frederikse; Interviewee: Molly Blackburn
Type: Transcript
Format: Access copy - PDF
Preservation copy - Tiff
Source: SAHA Collection AL2460
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Julie Frederikse
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