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Frank Chikane interview transcript

Theme: Straddling Both Camps, The People's and The Enemy's

Call Number: A03.05.1
Identifier: AL2460_A03.05.1
Title: Frank Chikane interview transcript
Date: 23 May 1985
Subject: Non-racialism;
Julie Frederikse;
Frank Chikane;
Reverend Frank Chikane;
Institute for Contextual Theology (ICT);
United Democratic Front (UDF)
The Unbreakable Thread
Description: This is a transcript of an interview with Frank Chikane, conducted by Julie Frederikse for her book 'The Unbreakable Thread: non-racialism in South Africa', published by Ravan Press, 1990. Frank Chikane was charged with treason in 1985, but was acquitted in the marathon Pietermaritzburg trial of top UDF leaders. In 1987 he was named General-Secretary of the SACC. He has been repeatedly detained and harassed by the Security Police, his home petrol-bombed and a bomb sent to his mother. During a tour of the US in mid-1989 with MDM leaders who met President Bush he fell seriously ill, and tests conducted at an American university showed that a toxic phosphate compound had been administered to his clothes and luggage before he left South Africa in an apparent attempt to poison him. Born: 1951 in Orlando, Johannesburg. Interviewed: 1985 in Johannesburg. Included in the SAHA online repository 'Tracing the unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa today'
Creator: Interviewer: Julie Frederikse; Interviewee: Frank Chikane
Type: Transcript
Format: Access copy - PDF
Preservation copy - Tiff
Source: SAHA Collection AL2460
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Julie Frederikse
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