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Dennis Brutus interview transcript

Theme: Tomorrow It's Going To Be You

Call Number: A02.19.1
Identifier: AL2460_A02.19.1
Title: Dennis Brutus interview transcript
Date: 29 May 1987
Subject: Non-racialism;
Julie Frederikse;
Dennis Brutus;
The Unbreakable Thread;
Teachers League of South Africa (TLSA)
Description: This is a transcript of an interview with Dennis Brutus, conducted by Julie Frederikse for her book 'The Unbreakable Thread: non-racialism in South Africa', published by Ravan Press, 1990. Dennis Brutus was active in the Unity Movement-oriented Teachers League of South Africa (TLSA) in the Eastern Cape in the 1940s and 1950s. He helped found the anti-apartheid South African Sports Association in 1958. In 1961 he helped organise a national convention of coloured activists at Malmesbury in the Western Cape, which led to his banning and arrest. He was re-arrested after fleeing to Mozambique and sentenced to eighteen months on Robben Island. After leaving South Africa he re-established the renamed South African Non-racial Olympic Committee (SANROC) in London, and then went to the US, where he was a professor and noted poet. Born: 1924 in Salisbury (now Harare), Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Died: December 2009. Interviewed: 1987 in Washington, DC. Included in the SAHA online repository 'Tracing the unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa today'
Creator: Interviewer: Julie Frederikse; Interviewee: Dennis Brutus
Type: Transcript
Format: Access copy - PDF
Preservation copy - Tiff
Source: SAHA Collection AL2460
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Julie Frederikse
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