Call Number: |
D15.01.01 |
Identifier: |
TUT_Chp15_FosatuWorkerNews_19830800 |
Title: |
FOSATU Worker News, number 23 |
Date: |
August 1983 |
Subject: |
Federation of South African Trade Unions - FOSATU;
Newsletter |
Description: |
This is issue 23 of the 'FOSATU Worker News', published in August 1983. The front page of the newsletter is reproduced in chapter fifteen of Julie Frederikse's book 'The unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa', originally published by Ravan Press in 1990. Included in SAHA's virtual exhibition 'Tracing the unbreakable thread: non-racialism in South Africa' |
Creator: |
Federation of South African Trade Unions (FOSATU) |
Type: |
Newsletter |
Format: |
Access copy - PDF |
Source: |
Digital Innovation South Africa (DISA) |
Language: |
English |
Coverage: |
South Africa |
Rights: |
Digital rights: Digital Innovation South Africa (DISA) |
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