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Photograph of Jack Mpofu

Theme: Meet the interviewees

Call Number: D09
Identifier: AL3291_D09
Title: Photograph of Jack Mpofu
Date: 20 April 2011
Subject: Jack Mpofu;
ZAPU through Zenzo Nkobi's lens;
Zimbabwe African People Union - ZAPU;
Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army - ZPRA
Description: This digital colour photograph of Jack Mpofu was taken by Mary Ndlovu during the interview she conducted with Mpofu for the South African History Archive (SAHA) as part of the ZAPU/Zenzo Nkobi oral history project on 20.04.2011. In his interview Jack Mpofu, a military instructor, describes early training, the FROLIZI split, reconnaissance and sabotage work. He also gives a detailed description of training procedures on various weapons and tactics including both guerrilla and conventional means. He further describes the attack in which Mangena died and he was injured. SAHA virtual exhibition - 'ZAPU through Zenzo Nkobi's lens', 2012
Creator: Mary Ndlovu
Type: Photograph
Format: Access image - jpeg
Source: SAHA collection AL3291
Coverage: Zimbabwe
Rights: The South African History Archive (SAHA)

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