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Report on Zimbabwe Observer Mission

Theme: The WCAR, WSSD & SMI

Call Number: B5.1.1
Identifier: AL3290_B5.1.1
Title: Report on Zimbabwe Observer Mission
Date: March 2005
Subject: Anti-Privatisation Forum - APF;
Crisis in Zimbabwe;
Social Movements Indaba - SMI;
Zimbabwe Observer Mission
Description: As part of its internationalist activities within the Social Movements Indaba (SMI), the APF initiated and organised - in conjunction with the Zimbabwean civil society group ‘Crisis in Zimbabwe’ – an ‘observer mission’ to Zimbabwe (to the cities of Harare and Bulawayo) of five community activists from various movements belonging to the SMI. The group’s mission in Zimbabwe was to observe political and other conditions in the country in the lead-up to the 2005 national elections in light of the long-running violence and intimidation by the Mugabe regime against opposition forces. This report summarises the mission’s observations during their stay. Subsequently in 2006, the APF – through the SMI and again in conjunction with ‘Crisis in Zimbabwe’ – organised another mission of four movement activists to Zimbabwe to observe and report on the impact of the Mugabe regime’s mass destruction of homes under ‘Operation Murambatsvina’ (‘Operation Restore Order’). It was visits such as these that went a long way in forging a progressive (if at times contested), anti-xenophobic and internationalist politics within South African social movements and making practical linkages of people across national borders. Included in SAHA virtual exhibition - 'Transition's Child: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)'
Creator: Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)
Type: Report
Format: Access copy - pdf
Preservation copy - pdf
Source: SAHA collection AL3290
Language: English
Coverage: Zimbabwe
Rights: Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)
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