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Pamphlet on the 2010 Soccer World Cup

Theme: World Cup 2010

Call Number: B3.10.1.1
Identifier: AL3290_B3.10.1.1
Title: Pamphlet on the 2010 Soccer World Cup
Date: June 2010
Subject: Anti-Privatisation Forum - APF;
Soccer World Cup;
Description: In June 2010, South Africa hosted the Soccer World Cup. By the time this mega-showpiece took place the South African government had spent almost R35 billion of public monies on hosting the event, most of which went towards building/renovating stadiums and roads. At the same time the various city authorities removed hundreds of homeless people and banned informal seller/hawkers from making a living in and around the various stadia. The APF, alongside a few other social movements, community organisations and hawkers associations conducted a series of educational and protest events around the World Cup in the months before it started; doing so in a generally difficult environment due to the popularity of soccer and the massive nationalist/patriotic propaganda emanating from the ANC and government. The pamphlet here was produced and widely distributed during these activities. Subsequently, the APF along with the Johannesburg Hawkers Association organised a march on ‘Soccer City’ (the main World Cup stadium in Johannesburg) for the opening day. However, the Police and City authorities refused ‘permission’ and conducted a virulent crackdown on the day of the march, resulting in far fewer marchers and with the march having to take place several kilometres away from the stadium. Included in SAHA virtual exhibition - 'Transition's Child: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)'
Creator: Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)
Type: Pamphlet
Format: Access copy - pdf
Preservation copy - pdf
Source: SAHA collection AL3290
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)
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