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'Don't risk an illegal connection. Don't deal with Izinyoka'

Theme: Electricity & energy

Call Number: A1.9.4.2_20030818SW
Identifier: AL3290_A1.9.4.2_20030818SW
Title: 'Don't risk an illegal connection. Don't deal with Izinyoka'
Date: 15 August 2003
Subject: Activists;
Local government;
Operation Khanyisa;
Description: This advertisement by Eskom appeared in the Sowetan of August 18, 2003, and subsequently became the face of a nationwide campaign. This was in direct response to the initiation, by the Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) and its Soweto community affiliates of a campaign of reconnecting people's electricity after they had been cut off by ESKOM and/or the local government authorities. The advertisement plays on the traditional fear of snakes as evil and implicitly also, the practice of killing snakes when found. After the advert came out ESKOM along with the coercive forces of the state cracked down heavily on anyone associated with reconnections. It is crucial to point out that since the campaign (Operation Khanyisa) began, no person from the APF or it affiliates has ever been injured or died as a result of the reconnections, which were carried out by trained activists. Included in SAHA virtual exhibition - 'Transition's Child: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)'
Creator: Eskom
Type: Newspaper advertisement
Format: Access copy - pdf
Preservation copy - tiff
Source: SAHA collection AL3290
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Eskom
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