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Declaration of the Coalition against Xenophobia (CAX)

Theme: Xenophobia

Call Number: B3.3.1
Identifier: AL3290_B3.3.1
Title: Declaration of the Coalition against Xenophobia (CAX)
Date: May 2008
Subject: Anti-Privatisation Forum - APF;
Coalition against Xenophobia - CAX;
Description: This founding declaration of the the Coalition against Xenophobia (CAX) was drawn up in 2008. After the widespread and violent attacks on immigrants in 2008, the majority of which took place in the Gauteng Province, the APF together with a range of other social movements, community organisations, NGOs and immigrant associations, formed the Coalition against Xenophobia (CAX). Over a period of several months, CAX organised a mass march (over 5000 people) through inner-city Johannesburg, helped provide legal and material assistance to victims of the attacks, conducted educational workshops in communities and engaged in a ‘Shut Down Lindela’ campaign (Lindela being South Africa’s main ‘detention centre’ for ‘illegal immigrants’ prior to deportation). Here is the founding Declaration of CAX, an important statement that seeks to harness human commonality out of the mirrored cesspit of national chauvinism, Afro-phobia and a society deeply marked by its past and ongoing repression. Included in SAHA virtual exhibition - 'Transition's Child: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)'
Creator: Coalition against Xenophobia (CAX)
Type: Document
Format: Access copy - pdf
Preservation copy - pdf
Source: SAHA collection AL3290
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Coalition against Xenophobia (CAX)
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